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Create an Administrative Web Application to support the EVIR Mobile App. Interface will allow filed defects to be marked them as resolved. It will also allow the user to see a list of the inspection history for an asset, to review its' past condition, and any repairs or open defects to be addressed.

My first fully realized beginning to end project for my agile team.

Wireframes / Comps (pdf)


Through Contextual Inquiry of users in the field, we were able to ascertain what functionality was most desired in our new application. The ability to quickly filter and isolate specific inspections was key for auditing purposes. Mechanics, who needed the ability to efficiently file and track repairs, were able to realize this feature through the Open Defects page.

Open Defects.jpg


Multiple wires were created to explore all the different ways in which to implement the robust filtering necessary to make the pages as useful as possible. Termed the "magic search box" by our Director of Development, we created a new type of Search Field that indexed items by category (asset, inspector, or location).



To determine the overall usability of the EVIR 2.0 website, we undertook the following:

  1. Validation Test (Moderated Usability Study)

  2. SUS - System Usability Scale (Questionnaire)

  3. Contextual Inquiry (User Interviews)

SUS Results*

  • 80.3 for the mobile app on the phone

  • 90 for the mobile app on the tablet 

  • 90 for the web app

* A SUS score of 68 is considered "usable."

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