Conduct a quantitative, task-based comparison test of two different Taxonomies (navigation schemas) to determine the “findability” of products currently offered on the London Drugs website.
Architected a navigation schema showing 15% improved site findability.
Taxonomy Test Plan and Findings Report (pdf)
Hired as a consultant to come in and run a usability test from beginning to end, I was responsible for creating the Test Plan, specifying the testing software, and recruiting all participants.
In order to improve the "findability" of products in their online shopping experience, London Drugs had me develop and test multiple navigation schemas.
Utilizing the Closed Card Sort feature of Optimal Sort's Tree Jack software, I was able to test three different proposed solutions to determine the most successful one.
Through multiple iterations, we were able to improve site "findability" by 15%.
Conducted a moderated usability study to evaluate the success of the upper (shopping) and lower (checkout) funnel experiences.
Users were given tasks to complete in an interactive prototype representing the revised LondonDrugs.com shopping experience. This study facilitated qualitative feedback regarding gaps and barriers in overall site usability.